Smart Buildings Part 2 : Data is Currency

  • 29/01/2021
  • Audio Visual | AVaas | Digital Transformation | Smart Buildings
Data is Currency: Find out in this 30 second video how Smart Buildings capture data to help organisations make decisions about the user experience of the people in their building. This is a 5 part video series that explores each of these themes. Smart Buildings pt 2 - Data is

Smart Buildings Part 1: Immerse People In Your Brand

  • 07/01/2021
  • Audio Visual | AVaas | Smart Buildings
Smart Buildings put humans in the loop in many ways. A Smart building allows visitors, staff and potential hires to be immersed in the brand story; it truly integrates people with their environment; it improves the comfort of building occupiers and it delights people with the helpful technology it places

How screens and technology are central to our Happiness at work.

  • 07/01/2021
  • Audio Visual | AVaas | Digital Transformation | Intuitive Collaboration | Smart Buildings | Together Everywhere
We’re no longer afraid to act the eejit on a Zoom meeting  The video conference has become a place where we are relaxed and authentic. Most of us have become comfortable enough to remove the filter, and it’s not as important to tidy up or dress formally for meetings. The
  • 20/11/2020
  • Intuitive Collaboration | Smart Buildings | Together Everywhere
Put humans in the loop and delight them with helpful tech. . Your brand story. Your building is one of the ways you tell your
  • 28/10/2020
  • Audio Visual | Digital Transformation | Intuitive Collaboration | Smart Buildings
Audio Visual Communication has the capacity to transform your event or presentation from a snooze-fest into  a heightened sensory experience that leaves a lasting impression. Not

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Smart Building Stages and Stakeholders
Exploring Crestron Construct™
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